1967. Bethia Sears (Eleazar , Thomas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 17 Dec 1765 in Yarmouth, MA. She died 14 May 1820 and was buried in Railroad Station Cemetery, S Dennis, MA.
SP May No 729, p 173, he says she m. _______ Matthews but other records show differently.
Bethia married (1) Benjamin Hallett, son of Peter Hallett, on 15 Mar 1787 in Yarmouth, MA. Benjamin was born 13 Aug 1762 in Yarmouth, MA and was christened 27 Nov 1763 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 1790 in Coast of Africa.
Cynthia T Hoogs-From my book "Descendants of Andrew Hallett, Jr of Yarmouth, MA" by Cynthia Tryon Hoogs, 1985, I have the following records and information:
1.) Hallett, Benjamin 5 (Peter 4, John 3-2, Andrew 1) was b. Yarmouth, MA 13 Aug 1762, bp. there 27 Nov 1763, and d. 1790 on the Coast of Africa. Marr. Bethiah Sears int. published Yarmouth 27 Jan 1787 and m. there 15 Mar 1787. Bethiah prob dau of Eleazer 3rd and Bethiah (Godfrey) Sears, b. Yarmouth 17 Dec 1765, and d. Dennis, MA 14 May 1820, ae 55 years, buried Railroad Station Cem, S Dennis, MA. Bethiah m. 2nd to Gorham Baker, int. published Yarmouth 6 Mar 1795, and m. there 9 Apr 1795. Gorham son of Judah and Mary Baker, b. Yarmouth 12 Jul 1769, d. Dennis 12 Jul 1847, ae 78y, bur. Railroad Station Cem S Dennis (Source Yarmouth VR)
Benjamin and Bethia had the following children:
+ 4079 M i Sears Hallett 4080 M ii Benjamin Hallett was christened 11 Aug 1799 in .
SP May No 729, p 173 showed him as Benjamin Matthews
Dennis VR, p 656 A Mr Benjamin Hallett of Dennis and Miss Charlotte Mathewes of Yarmouth entered their intentions of Marriage at Dennis April 25th A.D. 1835
Bethia also married (2) Gorham Baker, son of Judah Baker and Mary, on 8 Mar 1795 in Dennis, MA. Gorham was born 12 Jul 1769 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 12 Jul 1847 in Dennis, MA and was buried in R.R. Station Cem, Dennis, MA.
Cynthia T Hoogs
BURIED:Cemetery Inscriptions of Dennis, Mass by Burton Derick, Heritage Books, 1993 - p.185-6 Ancient (Town Hall) Cemetery [Marble Obelisk][S Side] In Memory of Mr Gorham Baker who died July 12 1847 ae, 78.
Nor ye mourning was to languish
Oer the graves of those ye love
Nor remov'd from pain by anguish
They are chanting hymns above[N Side] In Memory of Mrs Bethiah Wife of GORHAM BAKER who died May 14, 1820, Ae. 55.
Her soul from sin forever free
Shall mourn its power no more
But clad in [unreadable] purity
Redeeming love adore
Gorham and Bethia had the following children:
4081 F iii Polly Baker was born 29 Jun 1796 in Dennis, MA and was christened 11 Aug 1799.
BAPTISM:S P May, p. 173
BIRTH: Dennis VR, p 494082 M iv Gorham Baker was born 5 Mar 1799 in Dennis, MA and was christened 11 Aug 1799 in .
BAPTISM:S P May, p. 173
BIRTH: Dennis VR, p 494083 F v Pauline Baker was born 25 May 1801 in Dennis, MA and was christened 26 Jul 1801.
BAPTISM:S P May, p. 173 says also (Apoline, T.C.)
BIRTH: Dennis VR, p 49, p 167 spelled Purlina Died+ 4084 M vi Judah Baker + 4085 M vii Winthrop Sears Baker 4086 F viii Eliza Baker was born 1 Dec 1807 in Dennis, MA and was christened 21 Jun 1807.
BIRTH:Dennis VR, p 49
BAPTISM:S P May, p. 173
+ 4087 M ix Alexander Baker
1969. Winthrop Sears (Eleazar , Thomas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 1 May 1772 in Yarmouth. He died 17 Nov 1838.
Winthrop married (1) Betsy Crowell on 11 Dec 1794 in Yarmouth, MA. Betsy was born about 1773 in
Winthrop also married (2) Susannah Crowell Mrs on 1809 in Yarmouth, MA. Susannah was born 1788 in
They had the following children:
+ 4088 M i Odlin Page Sears 4089 F ii Susan Sears was born 26 Dec 1811 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1566. Susan married Christopher Lewis on Jan 1832 in Yarmouth, MA. Christopher was born 1807 in . + 4090 F iii Nabby Sears + 4091 M iv Winthrop Sears Capt 4092 F v Mary Sears was born 1 Jun 1821 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1569.
1970. Sally Sears (Eleazar , Thomas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 8 May 1775 in Yarmouth.
Sally married Isaac Smalley on 23 Apr 1795 in Yarmouth. Isaac was born 1771 in Harwich.
They had the following children:
4093 M i Leonard Smalley was born 6 Apr 1796 in . 4094 M ii Winthrop S Smalley was born 23 May 1798 in . 4095 F iii Lydia Smalley was born 1800 in . Lydia married Living
1971. Sabra Sears (Eleazar , Thomas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 23 Dec 1777 in Yarmouth. She died 9 Jan 1859 and was buried in , 733.
Sabra married Samuel Matthews, son of Joshua Matthews and Rebecca Howes, on 22 Jan 1799. Samuel was born 9 Apr 1775 in
LTB The ouse in which all the nine children were born was still standing in
1926 in a state of ruin, a little way out of Yarmouth, in what is called "The
Matthews Neighborhood." But in 1938 only the foundation was left together with
the beams, hand hewn. To locate the foundation of the old Matthews house,
follow the winding road, called Weir Road, out of Yarmouth, bear left at the
first fork, to the next crossroad. The house was on the corner of the
Samuel and Sabra had the following children:
4096 F i Temperance Matthews was born 30 Oct 1799 in . Temperance married Living 4097 M ii Samuel Matthews was born 27 Sep 1801 in . Samuel married Living + 4098 F iii Sabra Matthews 4099 M iv Nathaniel Matthews was born 30 Jul 1806 in . Nathaniel married Living 4100 M v Richard Matthews Capt was born 26 Mar 1808 in . Richard married Living 4101 M vi Oliver Matthews was born 22 Oct 1810 in . Oliver married Living 4102 F vii Bethia Sears Matthews was born 14 Feb 1813 in . Bethia married Living 4103 F viii Rebecca Matthews was born 5 Sep 1814 in . Rebecca married Living 4104 F ix Sylvania Matthews was born 20 Mar 1818 in . Sylvania married Living
1972. Thomas Sears (Eleazar
, Thomas
, Silas
, Silas
, Richard
) was born 16 Mar 1781 in
S.P. May p.173 Thomas died soon after marrying Lydia; lived in Barnstable.
27 Jun 1816, the court made an allowance to his widow Lydia.
!MSM pedigree shows b. date 16 Jan 1768 which fits
!Lelia Brownscombe record shows b. 18 Mar 1781 (Yarmouth T.C.)
Thomas married Lydia Atwood Gray, daughter of Samuel Gray Capt and Lydia Taylor, on 16 Jul 1805. Lydia was born 13 Jan 1783/1784 in
MSM Remarried Washington Baker, Apr 1819 and had four children by him
Thomas and Lydia had the following children:
+ 4105 M i Sherburne Sears 4106 M ii Thomas Sears was born 30 Apr 1807 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1571.
S.P. May handnotes had 2 sons, 1 dau
4107 F iii Lydia A Sears was born 17 Apr 1809 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1572. 4108 F iv Almira Sears was born 31 Jul 1811 in Barnstable, MA. was buried in , 1573. Almira married Henry Cotton on 1832 in Yarmouth, MA. Henry was born 1807 in Nantucket. + 4109 F v Sabra Sears
1973. Richard Sears Capt (Eleazar , Thomas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 22 Jul 1783 in Yarmouth. He died 18 Jul 1851 in Goshen, NY.
S.P. May p.270 Was a sea captain
!Lelia Brownscombe record "I believe he moved to NY state"
Richard married Ruth Hedge on 16 Aug 1810 in Yarmouth, MA. Ruth was born 21 Apr 1789 in
They had the following children:
4110 M i Edwin Sears was born 30 Oct 1812 in . He died 20 Sep 1853 in Goshen, NY and was buried in , 1575. 4111 M ii Edmund Hall Sears was born 29 Dec 1814 in . He died 14 Aug 1837 in at sea and was buried in , 1576. 4112 F iii Ruth Hedge Sears was born 16 Jun 1819 in . She died 31 Dec 1836 in Goshen, NY and was buried in , 1577. + 4113 F iv Jane Sears 4114 F v Lavinia Sears was born 3 Feb 1824 in . She died 7 Oct 1824 in NY.
S P May No 15794115 F vi Julia Sears was born 20 Mar 1827 in . She died 27 Jun 1832 in Goshen, NY and was buried in , 1580. 4116 F vii Sarah Lavinia Sears was born 30 Jun 1829 in . She died 2 Nov 1861 in Goshen, NY and was buried in , 1581. Sarah married James W Oliver on 13 Jun 1850 in Goshen, NY. James was born 1825 in . 4117 M viii Richard was born 23 Dec 1833 in . He died 1 Feb 1865 and was buried in , 1582. Richard married Jane Augusta Smith on 10 Oct 1860 in Goshen, NY. Jane was born 1839 in .
1974. Philip Sears Corp. (David , James , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 1759 in North East, NY. He died 17 Jul 1831 in Lenox, MA.
S.P. May p.271 Philip Sears served in Capt Ezra Whittlesey's Co.,7 to 30 Sep
1777; in Capt Chas. Dibbet's Co. on alarm of 18 Oct 1780, four days' service;
and was Corporal in Capt Wm. Well's Co., alarm at Saratoga, 30 Oct to 7 Nov 1781
3 Dec 1777. Votred, John Whitlock, Ephraim Smith, David Sears, Philip Sears and
Edward Martingale are dangerous to the United States of America, etc. (Town Rec)
He was a farmer
Philip married Lavinia Gunn on 25 Nov 1798 in Pittsfield, Pub. Lenox, MA. Lavinia was born 1771 in Pittsfield, MA. She died 16 Mar 1847 in Lenox, MA.
They had the following children:
+ 4118 M i Chauncey Sears Capt 4119 F ii Laura D Sears was born 11 Jun 1801 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1584.
S.P. May p.271 Lives in Sugar Grove, IL
Laura married Chauncy Brooks on 14 Sep 1822 in Lenox, Pub., MA. Chauncy was born 1797 in .
1975. David Sears (David
, James
, Silas
, Silas
, Richard
) was born 1761 in
S.P. May p.272 David Sears was in Capt Wm. Ford's Co, Col John Brown's Regt at
Stone Arabia, NY, 21 Jul to 27 Oct 1780, and marched to Stillwater in Capt
Josiah Yale's Co, 12 Oct 1781, doing 12 days' service.
David married Huldah Carr in Lenox, MA. Huldah was born 1763 in
They had the following children:
+ 4120 M i David Sears 4121 F ii Lovilly Sears was born 25 Oct 1786 in Milton, NY. She died in Nunda, IL and was buried in , 1586. Lovilly married William Hoffman in Auburn, NY. William was born 1782 in . 4122 F iii Abigail Sears was born 1788 in Milton, NY. She died 16 Mar 1859 and was buried in , 1587. Abigail married Living + 4123 F iv Huldah Sears + 4124 M v Eleazar Sears 4125 M vi Isaac Sears was born 1803 in Milton, Ulster, NY. He died 17 Dec 1834 in Ballston Spa, Saratoga, NY and was buried in , 1590. Isaac married Living 4126 M vii Edward Sears was born 1805 in Milton, Ulster, NY. He died in Kalamazoo, MI and was buried in , 1591. Edward married Rebecca Hand in Camillus, NY. Rebecca died in Kalamazoo, MI.
S.P. May p.272 Another account says Martha Lamb
4127 M viii John Sears was born 1807 in Milton, Ulster, NY. He died in Kalamazoo, MI and was buried in , 1592. 4128 M ix Major Sears was born 1809 in Milton, Ulster, NY. He died in Saratoga, Ae 19, NY and was buried in , 1593.
1976. Isaac Sears (David
, James
, Silas
, Silas
, Richard
) was born 1763 in
Isaac married (1) Priscilla Stearns, daughter of Oliver Stearns. Priscilla was born about 1768 in
They had the following children:
4129 M i Elijah Sears was born 11 May 1794 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1594. 4130 F ii Polly Sears was born 12 Jul 1796 in Lenox, MA. 4131 F iii Melissa Sears was born 1798 in .
He had the following children:
4132 M iv Charles Sears was born 1803 in , MA.
LST 1205 W 66th Terrace, KC, MO 64113
1977. Luther Sears (David , James , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 1772 in Lenox, MA. He died Jul 1857 in Volney, NY.
Luther married Anna Foster on 5 Feb 1798 in Lenox, By Eldad Lewis, MA. Anna was born 1777 in
They had the following children:
+ 4133 M i Nelson Sears + 4134 F ii Nancy Sears + 4135 M iii Marshall Sears + 4136 M iv Zachariah P Sears + 4137 M v Luther Sears + 4138 F vi Marietta Sears + 4139 F vii Ann Maria Sears + 4140 F viii Harriet Sears
1978. James Sears (David , James , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 15 May 1776 in Lenox, MA. He died 22 Feb 1847 in Richford, NY.
James married Lucy Judd on 23 Dec 1798 in Lenox, MA. Lucy was born 28 Nov 1776 in Pittsfield, MA. She died in Richford, NY.
They had the following children:
4141 F i Lucy Sears was born 18 Nov 1802 in Lenox, MA. She died Jun 1872. Lucy married George Cargill, son of John Cargill and Mary Crow, on 11 Sep 1828 in Lenox, MA. George was born 31 Jan 1802 in Goshen, MA. He died 22 Sep 1872 in Newark Valley, NY. 4142 F ii Patty Sears was born 18 May 1806 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1606.
S.P. May p.273 Rem. to Castle Creek, Broome co., NY
Patty married James Bristol. James was born 1802 in . + 4143 M iii Dioclesian Sears + 4144 F iv Sally Sears + 4145 M v Phillip Sears
1979. Zachariah Sears (David , James , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born Apr 1778 in Lenox. He died 17 Nov 1865 in Lenox, MA.
Zachariah married (1) Sally Hall on 29 Jul 1805 in Lenox, Pub., MA. Sally was born 1784 in Ashfield, MA.
They had the following children:
4146 M i Zachariah Paddock Sears was born 1806 in Lenox. was buried in , 1610. Zachariah married Living 4147 M ii David Sears was born 1808 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1611.
S.P. May p.273 m. a Virginia lady
+ 4148 M iii Samuel H Sears
Zachariah also married (2) Almira Butler. Almira was born 1790 in
S.P. May p.273 d. of consumption
Zachariah and Almira had the following children:
+ 4149 M iv John Sears + 4150 M v Elijah Sears 4151 F vi Sarah Sears was born 1816 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1615. Sarah married Living + 4152 M vii James Sears + 4153 M viii Levi L Sears 4154 F ix Polly Sears was born 1827 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1618. Polly married Living 4155 F x Maria Sears was born 1829 in Lenox, MA. was buried in , 1619.