Descendants of Richard Sears

Sixth Generation


1879. David Sears Hon (David , Daniel , Daniel , Paul , Richard ) was born 8 Oct 1787 in Boston, MA. He died 14 Jan 1871 in Boston, MA and was buried in , 701.

Munsell's Sons, 1890; p 261; NEHGS Library, Boston, MA;
David Sears was educated in the best schools that Boston at that
time afforded, and after a preparatory course of study in the Latin School,
entered Harvard College in 1803, at the age of 16, taking his Bachelor's degree in 1807. He read law for a time, and soon after his marriage in 1809, sailed for Europe with his wife, and passed several years in foreign travel, at a most interesting period in Continental history.
The sudden death of his father devolved on him the care of a large estate, and before he was thirty years of age he was called to assume that responsible position among the very richest men of Boston, which he continued to hold during half a century.
Building for himself a costly and elegant mansion fit for the generous
hospitalities which belong to wealth, he began early to make plans for doing his share in acts of public and private beneficience.
In 1820 he was actively associated with the erection of St Paul's church, on Tremont street, and he subsequently gave that parish a fund which now exceeds forty thousand dollars in value; this was followed in succeeding years by various provisions for other religious, literary and charitable objects, which, while accomplishing valuable purposes at once, may not exhibit their full fruit for a long time to come.
The 'Sears Tower' of the Observatory at Cambridge, built at his cost, gave the first encouragement to an establishment which has been munificently endowed by others, and whose permanent fund he was also a handsome contributor.
About 1820, Mr Sears purchased some 200 acres of land in the suburbs of Boston which has since become the beautiful village of Longwood, which he proceeded to lay out and beautify at great expense, giving to many of the streets and squares names which he believed to be identified with the family in this country and England.
A capacious stone chapel, built after the design of St Peter's Church in
Colchester, Eng., and to which he gave the name of 'Christ's Church in Longwood, contains, in its basement, vaults constructed as a last resting-place for himself and those most dear to him. For this church he prepared a form of service in accordance with his peculiar views, and which has been described as 'the Book of Common Prayer, with any thing of the nature of Calvinism carefully weeded out mildly tinctured with the writings of Channing, but more strongly flavored with Romanism, and stated service was maintained during the last eight years of his life. A block of houses nearby, destined ultimately for the dwellings of such as had seen better days, and to be known as 'The Scearstan Charter House,' and an accumulating fund under the control of the Overseers of the Poor, Boston, which has added not a little, year by year, to the comfort and support of a large number of poor women, will bear testimony to his thoughtful and well-considered benevolence.
After the death of Mr Sears, by an arrangement bewteen his heirs and the
city of Boston, his various endowments for the poor of his native place wereamalgamated under the comprehensive title of "The David Sears Charity."
In 1886 this fund amounted to near $280,000, and will be much further increased by the rise in real estate.
Mr Sears often enjoyed such public honors as he would accept, and served as a Representative to the Mass Leg. in 1816-18, 1824-25 and 1828, and as a Senator in 1826 and 1851. He was Presidential Elector in 1868, and invited his colleagues of the State Electoral College to meet the President elect, General Grant, at his house in Boston.
In early life he was a member of the Independant Corps of Cadets and Com'd
Ensign. In 1818 he presented the company with a new standard, and provided
for them an elegant entertainment.
He occasionally mingled in the public discussion of the day, and an elaborate letter which he addressed to John Quincy Adams on the best method of abolishing slavery, while that was still a living question, will be particularly remembered among his contributions to the press.
In middle life Mr Sears became interested in the subject of family history and genealogy, and employed the late Mr H G Somerby to make searches in England to trace his ancestry, and expended a large sum in these researches. His kinsman, Rev Edmund H Sears, undertook to edit the material collected, but he had no practical acquaintance with genealogy, and allowed himself to become responsible for a series of romantic legends under the title of "Pictures of the Olden Time", to which was added, in a private edition for the family, a genealogical account of the English and American branches.
About the year 1848 Mr Saers erected monuments and mural tablets to various
members of the family in Yarmouth and Chatham, Mass., Newport, RI, and in St
Peter's Church, Colchester, Eng., to which church he presented in 1852 a flagon and paten of elegant design and elaborate workmanship inclosed in a handsome wainscot box. In 1855 he endowed the church with L100, in trust,for charitable purposes, to which he added, in 1858, a further sum, now known as the "Sears Dole." Mr Sears deposited with the NE Hist Gen Society, medals to be given those of the name of Sears proving their descent from Richard and Dorothy Sares, a description of which may be found in Gen Reg, vol 26, p.182.
Subsequent investigation has developed that Mr Sears was grossly deceived in regard to many particulars of the pedigree and early history of his family, so that monuments erected by him, and the genealogies he printed, now for the most part only serve to perpetuate unfortunate delusions.
Mr Sears was one of the first to own and occupy a summer residence at Nahant, but finding it too bleak for his own taste, and tempted by the softer atmosphere of the Gulf Stream, he built, in 1845, a marine villa at Newport, to which he gave the name of 'Red Cross.'
Its extensive grounds are built over, but the immediate neighborhood is still pleasantly associated in many minds with the rembrance of his refined, graceful and unostentious hospitality.
With his characteristic generosity, he conveyed to the municipality a fund of five thousand dollars, the income to be applied to benevolent objects.
The summer of 1869 was his last at Newport; the next year his health became
seriously impaired , and he died in Boston, 14 Jan 1871, at the advanced age of eighty-three, his wife, with whom he had lived near sixty-three years, having preceded him by a few months.
He will long be remembered by all who have known him as one of the courteous and dignified gentleman of the old school, of whom so few are now left to remind us of the manners and bearing of other days.

BIOGRAPHY: "The Sears Medals"; 1872-1954;THE NE Historic Genealogical Society Register, Vol 26, Apr 1872; pp 182-3; NEHGS Library; At the request of the president, Charles W Tuttle, Esq, secretary of the board of directors,
reported, that at the stated meeting of the board, held 2 Jan 1872, a sealed
box inscribed to the "President and Officers of the Historic, Genealogical
Society, Boston, 1854," left in the custody of the society at that date, by the late Hon David Sears, with directions that it be opened after his decease, was unsealed in presence of the directors. It contained eighty bronze medals; also a sealed package on which is written: "To be delivered to the eldest lineal male descendant of David Sears and Ann Winthrop Sears in 1954."
Only two of the packages, which were seven in number, were opened. The
medals in these two packages, with a single exception to which I will presently refer, were alike.
On the obverse of the medal is a monument surmounted by a creast on whose
main feature is an open ehlmet with the hilt of a dagger on its right. On the left stands an American Indian, with his right hand resting on the monument, with a bow in his left hand, a tomahawk slung at his side, and several arrows on his back, the ends visible above the left shoulder. On the right is a figure in mail, with left hand resting on the monument, a sword at his side, holding a shield in his right hand charged with armorial bearings.
On the monument is this inscription: SCEARSTAN SAYER SEARS COLCHESTER Over
the whole is a scroll on which is inscribed, ST PETERS CHURCH In the exergue is H DE LONGUEIL.
On the reverse, the field is left blank, while between a beaded circle and
the extreme edge, is this circumscription: DESCENDED FROM RICHARD SEARS THE
The exception, to which reference has been made, is a medal enclosed in a
wrapper, inscribed "Model. Richard Sears of Chatham, ... reverse engraving."
This medal is made from the same die as the others, but the following
inscription has been cut on the blank field of the reverse:
In case of the same size as the package to be delivered in 1954, are two
medals having the same obverse as that already described, but the reverse is
from a different die. One of them has the same circumscription as that before described, with the following in the field:-
The other medal has in the field a shield on wich are various quarterings of arms which we need not describe. On a circular band surrounding it is this inscription: EXALTAT HUMILES On a scroll beneath is HONOR ET FIDES The whole is surmounted by an eagle. The medal has this circumscription: PLY COL 1630 BOS MASS 1770
A paper fastened to the inside of the lid of the box, has the following
written on it:-- "Monumental Memorials, Bronze Medals. To be given by the
President of the Historic, Genealogical Society to the members of the Sears
Family. Any individual of the name of Sears applying for a medal must prove
his descent from Knyvet, Paul or Sylas Sears, the three sons of Richard Sears
the Pilgrim, and must promise to have engraved on the reverse the inscription
ordered by the President."
"Richard Sears landed at Plymouth on the 8th of May, 1630."

Mayflower Index: No. 29,918 David; spouse Miriam C Mason; father David

David married Miriam Clarke Mason, daughter of Jonathan Mason Hon, on 13 Jun 1809 in Boston, By Rev Gardiner, MA. Miriam was born 1788 in .

They had the following children:

  3912 M i David Mason Sears was born 1810 in . He died in d. young, Falmouth, England and was buried in , 1488.
+ 3913 F ii Anna Powell Mason Sears
+ 3914 F iii Harriet E Dickason Sears
  3915 F iv Cordelia Mason Sears was born 1816 in <, MA>. She died in Unm.
+ 3916 F v Ellen Sears
+ 3917 M vi David Sears
+ 3918 M vii Frederic Richard Sears
  3919 M viii Winthrop Sears was born 1826 in <, MA>. He died in d. young and was buried in , 1495.
+ 3920 F ix Grace Winthrop Sears
+ 3921 M x Knyvet Winthrop Sears

1890. Rebecca Nickerson (Rebecca Atkins , Sarah Sears , Daniel , Paul , Richard ) was born 28 May 1773 in Chatham, MA. She died 17 Mar 1832 in Chatham, MA.

Susanne Howard

Rebecca married Thacher Ryder, son of Josiah Ryder and Huldah Gross. Thacher was born about 1770 in . He died 16 Dec 1824 in Chatham, MA and was buried in Peoples Cem, Chatham.

Susanne S Howard

Thacher and Rebecca had the following children:

  3922 F i Eunice Ryder was born Aug 1793 in .
  3923 M ii Thatcher Ryder was born 21 Jun 1796 in .
  3924 F iii Rebecca Ryder was born 19 Nov 1799 in .
+ 3925 M iv Zoath Ryder
  3926 F v Sally Ryder was born 12 Nov 1805 in .

1894. Solomon Atwood (Sears Atwood , Deborah Sears , Daniel , Paul , Richard ) was born 5 Aug 1785.

Solomon married Lucy Smith, daughter of Margery.

They had the following children:

+ 3927 M i Levi Atwood

1914. Edward Sears (Edward Jr , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 1 9 Apr 1779/1780 in Dennis, Barnstable, MA. He died 10 Oct 1858 in S Dennis, Barnstable, MA.

DVR p.148

SPM No 706 shows b. Yarmouth must be E Precinct

Dennis, Cape Cod- Searsville was a section of town along the western side of Swan Pond. It was the site of the homes of a branch of the Sears family which descended from Edward (1779-1858) and his wife Abigail Baker(1783-1853). Edward Sears had purchased the land from the Baker family about 1812. Quivet Neck on the north side, where most of the family of the name of Sears continued to reside, is sometimes also referred to as "Searsville."

Edward married Abigail Baker, daughter of Shubael Baker and Rebecca Chase, on 20 Apr 1807 in Harwich, MA. Abigail was born 22 Nov 1783 in Harwich, Barnstable, MA. She died 18 Sep 1853 in S Dennis, Barnstable, MA and was buried 1 in Baptist Church Cemetery, W Harwich, MA.

DVR p.148

They had the following children:

+ 3928 M i Grafton Sears
+ 3929 M ii Edward Sears
+ 3930 M iii Shubael B Sears
+ 3931 M iv Micheal Sears
+ 3932 M v Sylvanus Sears
+ 3933 M vi Jepthah B Sears
  3934 M vii Henry K Sears was born 12 Oct 1819 in Dennis, Barnstable, MA. He died 5 Feb 1833 in Drowned, Dennis and was buried 1 in S Dennis Congregational Church Cemetery, MA.

DVR p.148 SP May showed mi B.
SP May - No 1504
+ 3935 F viii Abigail Sears
+ 3936 M ix Benjamin Parker Sears Capt

1917. James Sears (Moody , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 12 Apr 1766 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 8 Oct 1830 in Yarmouth, MA.

SPM p.264(No 709) James was published to Mary SEARS, Harwich, 15 Dec 1792 and
again to Betsy SEARS of Dennis, 12 Apr 1793.

James married (1) Thankful Hallet, daughter of Jeremiah Hallet and Hannah Griffith, on 10 Dec 1789. Thankful was born 6 Oct 1764 in . She died 13 May 1791.

S.P. May p.264 She died in childbirth and both twins were buried in the same
coffin wiht their mother.

James and Thankful had the following children:

  3937 F i Thankful Sears was born 13 May 1791 in Yarmouth, MA. She died 14 May 1791 and was buried in , 1507.
  3938 M ii Jerusha Sears was born 13 May 1791 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 14 May 1791 and was buried in , 1508.

James also married (2) Elizabeth Sears on 14 Apr 1793. Elizabeth was born 1772 in . She died 2 Jul 1827.

They had the following children:

  3939 iii Sears was born 1794 in . Sears died Jul 1795 and was buried in , 1509.
+ 3940 F iv Thankful Sears
+ 3941 M v James Sears
  3942 M vi Freeman Sears was born 9 Sep 1802 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1512.
        Freeman married Patience Eldridge on 29 Oct 1824 in Yarmouth, Pub., MA. Patience was born 1803 in .
  3943 F vii Lavinia Sears 1 was born 3 Jul 1804 in .
        Lavinia married Gorham Baker on 25 Aug 1825 in Yarmouth, Pub., MA. Gorham was born 1800 in .
  3944 M viii Otis Sears was born 20 Jan 1806 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 31 Jul 1827 and was buried in , 1514.
  3945 F ix Betsy Sears was born 13 Jan 1808 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1515.
        Betsy married Reuben Worth on Jul 1827. Reuben was born 1804 in Nantucket, MA.
  3946 M x Fessenden Sears was born 1 Apr 1818 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1516.

James also married (3) Rebecca Crowell on Nov 1827 in Yarmouth, MA. Rebecca was born 1806 in .

1919. Prince Sears (Moody , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 20 Dec 1769 in Yarmouth, Barnstable, MA. He died 13 Aug 1808 in S Dartmouth, MA and was buried in , 711.

BIRTH: Letter from David S Martin, Wash, DC; 1661-1808; Letter dtd 15 Sep
1994; ;

Prince married Achsah Collins, daughter of David Jr Collins and Deborah Sears, on 4 Mar 1794 in Dennis, Pub., MA. Achsah was born 28 Jul 1776 in Dennis, Barnstable, MA. She died 16 Feb 1858 in Monument, MA.

BIRTH: Letter from David S Martin, Wash, DC; 1661-1808; Letter dtd 15 Sep
1994; ;

Prince and Achsah had the following children:

  3947 M i Collins Sears is printed as #3839.
+ 3948 M ii Prince Sears Capt. is printed as #3840.
  3949 M iii Ezra Sears is printed as #3841.
  3950 M iv David Sears is printed as #3842.
+ 3951 F v Eunice Sears is printed as #3843.
  3952 F vi Clarissa Sears is printed as #3844.
  3953 F vii Sally Howes Sears is printed as #3845.
  3954 M viii Sears is printed as #3846.
+ 3955 F ix Achsah Collins Sears is printed as #3847.

1920. Deborah Sears (Moody , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 7 Jul 1772 in Yarmouth, MA.

SPM No 712
DVR p 56, shows Francis Baker and Deborah Sears Both of Dennis Intend marriage Entered February 3:1798 [could that be this Deborah?]

Deborah married John Jr Thacher on 23 Feb 1792 in Yarmouth. John was born 1768 in .

S.P. may p.170 John was a seaman, and rem. to S Dartmouth, MA in 1805; he
sailed from Dart., 7 Mar 1820, with his sons Sears and John, and are supposed
to have been lost the same night.

John and Deborah had the following children:

  3956 F i Lavinia Thacher was born 2 Oct 1792 in .
  3957 M ii Sears Thacher was born 3 Oct 1797 in <, "gemini">. He died 7 Mar 1820 in Drowned At Sea.
  3958 F iii Rebecca Thacher was born 3 Oct 1797 in , "gemini". She died 1 Apr 1850.
  3959 M iv Isaiah Thacher was born 26 Sep 1799 in <, "gemini">. He died 17 Jan 1801.
  3960 F v Serena Thacher was born 28 Jun 1802 in <, "gemini">.
        Serena married Living
  3961 F vi Sarah Thacher was born 7 Oct 1803 in <, "gemini">.
        Sarah married Living
  3962 M vii John Thacher was born 26 Nov 1804 in <, "gemini">. He died 7 Mar 1820 in Drowned At Sea.
  3963 M viii Job Thacher was born 1 Jan 1807 in <, "gemini">. He died 3 Jan 1807.
  3964 M ix Isaac Thacher was born 1 Jan 1807 in , "gemini". He died 18 Jan 1807.
  3965 F x Deborah Thacher was born 14 Jul 1808 in <, "gemini">.
  3966 F xi Charlotte Thacher was born 3 Apr 1812 in <, "gemini">. She died 12 Feb 1813.

1922. Isaiah Sears (Moody , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 18 Mar 1777 in Yarmouth. He died 14 Feb 1864 in Dartmouth and was buried in , 714.

S.P. May p.266 Isaiah Sears was a fisherman, and taught school during the
winters in Yarmouth and Dennis.

Isaiah married Sarah Ann Collins, daughter of David Jr Collins and Deborah Sears, on 25 Feb 1797 in Chatham, MA. Sarah was born May 1778 in . She died 13 Aug 1845 in S Dartmouth, MA.

They had the following children:

+ 3967 F i Mehitable Sears is printed as #3848.
+ 3968 M ii Moody Sears is printed as #3849.
+ 3969 F iii Elizabeth Sears is printed as #3850.
  3970 F iv Rosanna Sears is printed as #3851.
  3971 F v Deborah Sears is printed as #3852.
  3972 F vi Susan C Sears is printed as #3853.
  3973 F vii Charlotte "gemini" Sears is printed as #3854.
+ 3974 M viii Isaiah Sears is printed as #3855.
  3975 M ix Peter C Sears is printed as #3856.
+ 3976 F x Eunice Sears is printed as #3857.
  3977 F xi Mary Ann Sears is printed as #3858.
  3978 F xii Sarah Howes Sears is printed as #3859.

1923. Enoch Sears (Moody , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 28 Jun 1779 in Yarmouth. He died Jun 1839 in at sea and was buried in , 715.

Enoch married Bethia Kelly on 5 Dec 1799 in Harwich, MA. Bethia was born 1778 in Harwich, MA.

They had the following children:

+ 3979 F i Mercy Sears

1925. Phebe Sears (Eleazar , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 1 Mar 1761 in . was buried in , 717.

Phebe married Aaron Crowell, son of Jonathan Crowell and Phebe Snow, on 26 Jan 1786 in Yarmouth. Aaron was born 22 May 1766 in .

They had the following children:

  3980 M i Aaron Crowell was born 1 Jul 1790 in .
  3981 M ii Gideon Crowell was born 14 May 1791 in .
  3982 M iii Zeno Crowell was born 5 Aug 1793 in .
  3983 M iv Ebenezer Crowell was born 30 Jun 1796 in .
        Ebenezer married Lydia Crowell, daughter of Joseph Crowell and Lydia Sears, on 14 Jan 1821. Lydia was born 17 Oct 1802 in .
  3984 F v Sarah Crowell was born 4 Mar 1800 in . She died 10 Jul 1871.
        Sarah married (1) Barnabas Hallet before 1864.
        Sarah also married (2) Jonathan Sears, son of Levi Sears and Jerusha Foster, on 10 Nov 1864. Jonathan was born 30 May 1798 in Harwich, MA and was christened 19 Aug 1798. He died 18 Jul 1871 and was buried in Ancient Sears Cemetery, W Brewster, MA.

Dennis, Cape Cod, p 358, There were several funns in town (built poss 1844 for the production of lampblack used in pigments), some at the top of hill(Smith's Hill) on Route 134 where it intersects with Route 6A. These funns were owned and operated by Jonathan Sears and later his nephew Laban.

SPM No 1824

Gravestone - No 124
July 18, 1871
Aged 73 years
  3985 M vi Ezra Crowell was born 14 Nov 1803 in .

1928. Lewis Sears Capt (Eleazar , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 26 Oct 1768 in Yarmouth. He died 20 Sep 1848 in S Yarmouth and was buried in S Yarmouth, gr-st, 720.

S.P. may p.267 Lewis was a master mariner.

Lewis married Ruth Baker, daughter of Sylvanus Baker and Jane, on 9 Apr 1792 in Yarmouth, 18 Apr T.C., MA. Ruth was born 29 Aug 1772 in Yarmouth, MA. She died 26 Oct 1856 in Brewster, MA and was buried in gr-st.

They had the following children:

+ 3986 M i Jonathan Sears Capt
+ 3987 M ii Lewis Sears Capt
  3988 F iii Ruth Sears was born 4 Nov 1797 in Yarmouth, MA. She died 31 Mar 1801 and was buried in , 1541.
  3989 M iv Eleazar Sears was born 16 Oct 1800 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 31 Aug 1823 and was buried in gr-st, 1542.
+ 3990 M v Hiram Sears
+ 3991 F vi Ruth Sears
  3992 M vii Alfred Sears was born 10 Sep 1809 in Yarmouth, MA. He died 17 Dec 1820 and was buried in gr-st, 1545.
  3993 viii Sears was born about 1809 in Yarmouth, MA. Sears died 1813 in Ae 4 Yrs.
+ 3994 F ix Jane Sears
  3995 M x Benjamin Sears was born 1 Apr 1814 in Yarmouth, MA. was buried in , 1548.

S.P. May p.267 Lives in Burgettville, Shasta co., CA, unm.
  3996 F xi Harriet Sears was born 26 Apr 1817 in Yarmouth, MA. She died 16 Oct 1873 and was buried in gr-st, 1549.
        Harriet married Nelson White on 21 Nov 1847. Nelson was born 1813 in Yarmouth, MA.

1929. Lydia Sears (Eleazar , Silas , Silas , Silas , Richard ) was born 5 Aug 1770 in Yarmouth. was buried in , 721.

Lydia married Joseph Crowell, son of Thomas Crowell and Mercy Stuart, on 23 Jun 1788 in Yarmouth. Joseph was born 20 Feb 1761 in . He died 1825.

They had the following children:

  3997 M i Lewis Crowell was born 11 Jan 1789 in .
        Lewis married Living
  3998 M ii Nathan Crowell was born 27 Nov 1791 in .
        Nathan married Living
  3999 M iii Joseph Crowell was born 23 Apr 1793 in . He died 1824.
        Joseph married Rebecca Matthews on 1817.
  4000 F iv Hannah B Crowell was born 10 Aug 1795 in .
        Hannah married Eleazar Crowell on 1816.
  4001 M v Winthrop Crowell was born 1 Feb 1798 in .
        Winthrop married Rebecca Bassett on 1821.
  4002 M vi Obed Crowell was born 30 Jun 1800 in .
        Obed married Hannah Bessey on 20 Feb 1823.
  4003 F vii Lydia Crowell was born 17 Oct 1802 in .
        Lydia married Ebenezer Crowell, son of Aaron Crowell and Phebe Sears, on 14 Jan 1821. Ebenezer was born 30 Jun 1796 in .
  4004 M viii Calvin Crowell was born 28 Apr 1805 in . He died 18 Apr 1831.
  4005 F ix Diantha T Crowell was born 21 Aug 1807 in .
        Diantha married Warren Lewis on Sep 1826.
  4006 F x Tabitha Crowell was born 17 Apr 1810 in .
        Tabitha married Freeman Crowell on Jan 1837.

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