Elizabeth J SEARS

Father: John SEARS
Mother: Dorcas PRIGMORE

                    _James Brock SEARS _
 _John SEARS ______|
|                  |_Jane D WALKER _____
|--Elizabeth J SEARS 
|                   ____________________
|_Dorcas PRIGMORE _|



!MARRIAGE: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 13; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;

I24995: Ellen Nell SEARS

Ellen Nell SEARS

Father: John S SEARS
Mother: Elizabeth WHEELER

                      _James SEARS __
 _John S SEARS ______|
|                    |_Orpha CORDER _
|--Ellen Nell SEARS 
|                     _______________
|_Elizabeth WHEELER _|



!BIRTH: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 34; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;

I25462: Elzara Annie "Ella" SEARS

Elzara Annie "Ella" SEARS

Father: James Leander SEARS
Mother: Sarah Elizabeth STEWART

                            _Simeon SEARS ___________
 _James Leander SEARS _____|
|                          |_Elizara Frances SHARPE _
|--Elzara Annie "Ella" SEARS 
|                           _________________________
|_Sarah Elizabeth STEWART _|



!BIRTH-SPOUSE-DEATH: Letter from James Sears McMenamin, Louisville, CO, to Ray Sears in Duncan, OK; 1783-1987; Letter dtd 26 Aug 1994; ; copy in poss of Ray Sears;

I24305: Emily Jane SEARS

Emily Jane SEARS

Father: James SEARS
Mother: Anna MEEK

Family 1: Cyrus HARGIS

                _John Lewis SEARS _
 _James SEARS _|
|              |_Judith ___________
|--Emily Jane SEARS 
|               ___________________
|_Anna MEEK ___|



!BIRTH: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 38; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;

I24342: Ephraim F SEARS

Ephraim F SEARS

Father: William SEARS
Mother: Nancy WALKER

Family 1: Sally BULLOCK

                  _John Lewis SEARS _
 _William SEARS _|
|                |_Judith ___________
|--Ephraim F SEARS 
|                 ___________________
|_Nancy WALKER __|



!BIRTH-MARRIAGE: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 42; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;

I24331: Ezekiel SEARS

Ezekiel SEARS

Father: William SEARS
Mother: Catharine REED

Family 1: Caty WESLEY

                   _John Lewis SEARS _
 _William SEARS __|
|                 |_Judith ___________
|--Ezekiel SEARS 
|                  ___________________
|_Catharine REED _|



!BIRTH-MARRIAGE: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 41; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;

I24774: Frances Ann SEARS

Frances Ann SEARS

Father: John SEARS
Mother: Dorcas PRIGMORE

                    _James Brock SEARS _
 _John SEARS ______|
|                  |_Jane D WALKER _____
|--Frances Ann SEARS 
|                   ____________________
|_Dorcas PRIGMORE _|



!MARRIAGE: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 14; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;add notes

I24248: Francis Asbury SEARS

Francis Asbury SEARS

Father: John SEARS
Mother: Mary Elizabeth STANFIELD

Family 1: Martha Susan FISHER
  1. Mary E SEARS
  2. Nancy J SEARS
  3. James Francis SEARS
  4. Nellie SEARS
  5. Thomas William SEARS
  6. Alice SEARS
  7. Martha SEARS
  8. Millard SEARS
  9. Anna SEARS
  10. SEARS

                             _John Lewis SEARS _
 _John SEARS _______________|
|                           |_Judith ___________
|--Francis Asbury SEARS 
|                            ___________________
|_Mary Elizabeth STANFIELD _|



!BIRTH-MARRIAGE-DEATH: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 27; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ; In 1850 Orleans twp, Orange co, IN, census he was a plasterer, worth $1,500, and lived near hismother. In 1853 and 1871 he was a school trustee in Orange co. He was a major of the 67th IN Volunteers in the Civil War[59-J W Johnson, Families of Eliza Walters and Benjamin Franklin Johnson of Orange co, IN, Baltimore: 1977, p 68].(I ought to check the 1880 census and see where he believed his father was born.)

I24277: Franklin SEARS

Franklin SEARS

Father: James Brock SEARS
Mother: Jane D WALKER

Family 1: Margaret SWIFT
  1. Granville Perry SEARS
  2. Rachel Jane SEARS
  3. William Thomas SEARS

                      _John SEARS __
 _James Brock SEARS _|
|                    |_Nancy BROCK _
|--Franklin SEARS 
|                     ______________
|_Jane D WALKER _____|



!BIRTH-DEATH: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 14; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ; Married his first cousin, Margaret Swift, sister of Granville Swift-Franklin's partner. He was a Cass co, MO juror in 1842. On 22 Apr 1844, when leaving for OR, Franklin gave power of attorney to JBS. He went with McMahon party to CA in 1845 and was at Sutter's Fort when gold was discovered. In mar 1846 he was nearly killed in a fall from a horse. Recovering, with Fremont in 1846 he served at S. Pascual under Gillespie in Stockton's campaign. His battalion captured Los Angeles. After the war Franklin went to the mines, and in 1848 he took out much gold near Bidwell's bar. "The Vallejo family, Franklin Sears of Sears Point... had their Indians[43-The People of the Pueblo, p 18]." "Among the heroes (who at the battle of San Pasquale fought beside Gen Kearney's forces) were Granville P Swift and his relatives Franklin and John Sears, the latter husband of the emigrant woman who gave the white cloth for the Bear Flag. Franklin was in the thick of the fight and in after years showed his buckskin shirt riddled with seven bullets. Granville P Swift was captain of Co C, CA Battalion. These men and Maj Jacob Snyder were all closely identified with Fremont's campaign... Franklin Sears gave his daughter in marraige to Maj Snyder[44-Ibid, p 125]." "Granville Swift's sister, Margaret, married Franklin Sears, hero of San Pasquale and brother of John Sears, whose wife had given the white homespun material for the Bear Flag. In 1851 while the former partners in adventure were stock raising in Colusa co, Franklin Sears and Margaret Swift were wed. They decided to come to Sonoma Valley and make their home ona 600-acre ranch which had been purchased on Sonoma Creek. There they built a little house of hand-hewn redwood, still standing after eighty years, near the more pretentious home of their daughter, Rachael Sears Snyder. Mrs Franklin Sears died in Sonoma in 1886 but Franklin... continued to live until Dec 1904." Jacob R Snyder, a veteran of the Mexican War, had been Surveyor General, was assistant treasurer under President Franklin Pierce in 1853. It was his idea to include the grizzly bear on the seal of CA[45-Ibid, pp219-220]. "For many generations the Sears family has been numbered among the pioneers of various localities in the Union, on the paternal side being Tennesseans, and on the maternal residents of the 'Dark and bloody ground.'" He came out of the war with a saber wound above his heart. he had 600 or 700 acres and a winery with storage for 150,000 gallons. "During the '40s Mr Sears... in partnership with Capt G P Swift, his brother in law, built theold stone corral where they had several thousand head of cattle." Later they had 15,000 acres at Sears Point. he had started as a hunter at Sutter's Fort. He and a partner, Gibson, struck it rich. "... the red material used in the origianl Bear Flag was made from the petticoat of Mrs John Sears, a sister in law of Franklin Sears[46-Historical and Biographical Record, p 314]." James Clyman wrote in his diary that in Siskiyou Co, "Some of our advance pursued a male and a female native. The male made his escape. The female was taken and her horse taken from her (Mr Sears and Mr Owens)[47-CA Hist Soc Quarterly, Vol V, 1926, pp 117,120]." "Some Indians came up with the rear of our party and Mr Sears shot two of them." 1 Jul 1845. "4 Jul 1845- On this our national holiday a brutal and disgraceful occurrence took place. Some Indians were seen across the river and Mr Sears propoed to kill one of them single-handed if his comrades would keep him covered with their guns. They agreed and he started out armed only with his bowie knife. After swimming across he encountered an Indian who had been firing at him from behind a rock without effect. They grappled and Sears stabbed his man to death and then returned safe and sound across the river. I was so disgusted with this affair at the time that I did not enter it in my notes[48-Ivan Petroff's abstract of Clyman's notebook. Ms Bancroft Library. Franklin Sears said this happened at Red Bluff]." J A Sutter's list of immigrants who arrived on 10 Jul 1845 contained 39 men, a widow, and 3 children. With Capt Samuel Green McMahon were James Clyman, Franklin Sears, blacksmith, and Thomas, Ed, Henry, James and John Owens. Alcalde Sutter could grant passports[49-CA Hist Soc Quarterly, Vol V, p 125. Franklin's biography and Jacob Snyder's diary appear in The Quarterly of the Society of CA Pioneers, Vol 8, No 4, Dec 1931]. A letter from James G Bleak quoted another, dated 11 Jan 1878, from Los Angeles in which Wm L Todd wrote that at Sonoma in 1846 those appointed to design a flag were Granville P Swift, Peter Storm, Henry L Ford and TOdd. He said, "... we procured in the house where we made our headquarters, a piece of new unbleached cotton domestic, not quite a yard wide, with strips of red flannel about four inches wide, furnished by Mrs John Sears, on the lower side of the canvas. On the upper left hand corner was a star, and in the center was the image made to repersent a grizzly bear passant, so common in this country at the time[50-History of Sonoma Co, San Franicsco: Alley, Bowen & Co, 1880, pp 104-6]." The Bear Flag was replaced by the American flag 9 Jul 1846. This description of Granville Swift was provided by William baldridge:[51-Henry L Ford, "Bear Flag Lieutenant," CA Hist Soc Quarterly, Vol XXIX, No 2, Jun 1950, p 134]. "Although his father was a man of wealth, Granville's education was much neglected, being able only to read and write indifferently, which was partially his own fault, being passionately fond of a hunter;s life for which he was admirably adapted. he was fair complexioned, six feet one inch in height, very erect and symmetrical, and of great endurance and undoubted bravery. It is well known that he was the best shot, and could load and fire with greater rapidity than any man on the Pacific Coast." Among those receiving land grants under 1847 to 1855 acts were Pvt Franklin Sears, Capt Swift Co, CA Vols, Mexican War, Napa co, and Pvt Frank Irving Sears, Capt Lewis' Co, First Regt IN Vols, Mexican War, land in Trinity co, CA[52- National Gen SOc Quarterly, Sep 1983, p 229]. In 1861 Franklin returned to Sonoma, where he farmed and ranched 270 acres and raised grapes and operated a winery on 30 acres[53-Sonoma Co, p 299].

I24957: George SEARS

George SEARS

Father: William Franklin SEARS
Mother: Rebecca PARKS

                           _John SEARS _______________
 _William Franklin SEARS _|
|                         |_Mary Elizabeth STANFIELD _
|--George SEARS 
|                          ___________________________
|_Rebecca PARKS __________|



!BIRTH-DEATH: SEARS NOTES; 1782-1890; June Rayfield Welch, Dallas, TX; p 31; copy in poss of Ray Sears, Duncan, OK ;