poss born in Needham [228]
pub int 12 Sep 1724 [228]
last name Tumblen? [228]
lived at Harwich [10]
Yar VR Bk 3 p 19
Yar VR Bk 3 p 19
BIRTH-SPOUSE-DEATH: Letter from Ladonna Weltmer, Smith Center, KS; 1620-1900;
Letter dtd 8 Jun 1996; ;He died of smallpox in the epidemic of 1766-67. 17
total family members died of smallpox in a 3 month period.BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email:
brollins@capecod.net "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450
Died in smallpox epidemic
LJB There was a smallpox epidemic in 1766
DEATH: Letter from Elaine Pereira, Wakefield, RI; ; Letter dtd 18 Nov 1995;
;copy in poss of Ray SearsCHILDREN: Abstracts of Harwich, MA Vital Records, Vol 1, by Vernon
Nickerson; 1969;BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email:
brollins@capecod.net "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450
Pam Cooper
BURIED: Howes Burying Ground
!DEATH: Letter from Mary Rebman, Wauwatosa, WI; 1657-1988; Letter dtd 11
Jun 1996; ;of Yarmouth, Massachusetts
Submitter: James Nohl Churchyard
1783 Hawaii Circle
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-2015
(If no longer there, try Fallbrook, CA 92028)
714 540-5022
This GEDCOM file contains basic vital statistics info on the lineal
Submitter: http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~churchh/genealgy.htmlCONFLICT: Why surname LINNELL??
S.P. May hand notes show also d. date 23 Jan 1778
BURIED: Howes Burying Ground
Pam Cooper- source materialLine 3361 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
FAMC @F232@Submitter: James Nohl Churchyard
Submitter: 1783 Hawaii Circle
Submitter: Costa Mesa, CA 92626-2015