Ancestors of Maj Gen Leslie Ray Sears Jr


128. Capt Paul Sears

SP May, p 41- Paul Sears took the oath of "Fidellyte" in 1657, held a commission as a captain in the militia, and made claim for a horse lost in Narragansett war, but I find no record of his services. October 30, 1667, he was one of the grand jury, in an inquest held on the child of Nicholas Nickerson. He was one of the original proprietors of lands in Harwich, between Bound and Stony brooks, known as "Wing's Purchase," as appears by deed of John Wing et als., to Paul Seers et als., dated April 16,1677, recorded at Plymouth.
The early town records of Yarmouth were destroyed by fire at the burning of
the town clerk's house in 1674, and from the succeeding volume the first twenty-six pages are gone, and others mutilated and worn.
The names and dates of birth of his children have been supplied from various sources, and are believed to be correct.
I annex copies of the will and inventory of Paul Sears;- the will is signed with his mark, as is also the inventory of John Burge's estate, rendered by him and recorded Barns. Rec II, 1701, p130.
He left property valued at L 467 03 03, to his "loving wife Deborah," and to his sons, "Samuel, Paul and John;" that to his sons being charged with a payment to "their brothers, Richard and Daniel, towards their purchase of lands at Manamoy;" having given to his daughters, (whose names are unfortunately omitted) "such parts or portions as I was able or thought fitt."
In the ancient cemetery in Yarmouth lies a stone slab, removed from its place to make room for the granite monument to the Searses, which bears the following inscription, surmounted by a cherub's head and scroll work:
Here lyes the
Body of Paul
Sears, who
Departed this
life February ye
20th 1707, in ye 70th
year of his age."
It is the oldest dated memorial in the cemetery.
His wife was doubtless laid by his side, but there is no stone to her memory.
George Willard, the father of Paul Sears' wife, was the son of Richard and
Joane (Morebread) W., of Horsmonden, Kent, Eng., where he was bap. Dec. 4, 1614.
He settled at Scituate for a time, removing thence it is said to Maryland or
Gorgeane Maine. There is some reason to believe that his wife was Dorothy
Dunster, dau. of Henry D., of Baleholt, near Bury, Lanc., sister to Eliz'h D., who m. his bro. Simon Willard; and to Rev. Henry D., Pres. of Harvard College.
[See Willard Mem., 1858, p. 339]
Paul Sears was the first to adopt the present spelling of SEARS.
In the name of God, Amen, the Twentieth Day of February, 1707-8.
I, Paul Sears, Senr. of Yarmouth, in ye County of Barnstable, in New England, being at this time ill and weak in body but of Disposing mind and memory, Praised be God, Do make, Constitute, ordain and Declare this my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form following:
First, and principally. I Comitt my soul to God, most humbly depending upon the gracious Death and merits of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour for Salvation, and to the free pardon of all my sins. And my Body to the Earth to be buryed in such Decent Christian manner as to my Executors hereafter named shall be thought fitt.
And as for my outward Estate, as Lands, Chattels and Goods, I do order Give and Dispose in manner and form following;
First, - I will that all those Debts and Duties that I owe in Right or
Conscience To any person whatsoever shall be truly paid in convenient time,
after my Decease by my Executors hereafter named, out of my movable Estate.
Item,- I do give and bequeath to my eldest son Samuel Sears, all that my land and meadow in the township of Harwich upon part whereof his house now stands as is comprehended within and between the boundaries now following: (that is to say ,) bounded on the east by Kenelm Winslows Land at ye known and accustomed bounds and on the west side beginning at a remarkable rock, (lying about four Rods eastward from Yarmouth bound Rock at bound brook,) and from the sd Remarkable Rock the line runs Southerly over the Swamp and up ye hill to a great Pine tree marked in sd Yarmouth line: and thence up ye same straight line Southerly to the highway: and thence eastward as the way runs to ye said Winslows Land, (the sd highway being the bounds on ye south side) And the beginning again att ye sd Remarkable Rock the line runs northerly to a stone sett in ye ground: and thence easterly to the edge of ye marsh by a straight line to another stone sett in to the ground, and so bounded by the marsh to another stone sett in the ground northerly on a straight line to a bend of ye main Creek at a stone sett in the Maresh, and on the north side tis bounded by the known and accustomed bounds and of my interest in the undivided lands in sd Harwich, viz.: that is my sd son Saml. shall sixteen acres to himself in ye next Division (ye proprietors make of the undivided Lands) and the one half of all the rest of my interest there. All which sd Lands and Meadows shall be to my sd son Samuel Sears, and to his heirs and assigns forever, he yielding to his mother, my wife, one third part of ye proffits thereof during her natural life, and also paying to his two
brothers Richard and Daniel, forty and two pounds in money towards the paying
their purchase at Manamoy. I do give him my Try pott and Kettle.
It.- I do give and bequeath to my son Paul Sears and to his heirs and assigns forever, one piece of fresh meadow called the Green Meadow which lyeth on the north side of my old house and is bounded eastward at ye Well or Spring, then westward taking in all ye Marsh or ground to ye old cartway (which leads into ye neck) on Joseph Sears fence: thence northeastward as the old sd cartway and fence runs to Zachariah Paddocks fence or line which is ye bounds on ye north side to bound brook, the sd bound brook and well or spring being the bounds on the east side, and also one quarter part of my interest of the undivided Lands in sd Harwich (besides the above sd Sixteen acres given to my son Samuel,) and for the rest of my son Pauls land is in ye neck where he now dwells, and by me confirmed by Deed of Gift formerly, and my Will is that he shall yield to his mother, my wife, one third of the proffits or income of all I have given him, during her natural life, and that he shall pay to his two brothers Richard and Daniel, forty and four pounds in money towards the paying their purchases att Manamoy.
My will further is that the Ditch which hath been the accustomed bounds in the marsh betwixt my son Paul, and my kinsman Josiah Sears shall remain forever; beginning southerly att ye upland and running straight northerly to the Creek which did run on ye north side of ye island, which creek shall be the north bounds:
And my Will is, and I do give all that slip of meadow on the West side of ye sd ditch unto the said Josiah Sears, his heirs and assigns forever.
It.- I do give and bequeath unto my son John Sears, and to his heirs and assigns forever, all the rest of my Homestead, both housings, lands and meadows, also one quarter part of all my interest in the undivided lands in ye sd Harwich, excepting the sixteen acres before given to my son Saml.-he my sd son John allowing and yielding to his mother, my wife, the one third part of my Housing, and the third of the proffits of ye lands during her natural life, and he paying to his two brothers Richard and Daniel, forty and four pounds in money towards their purchase att Manamoy.
It.- I do give and bequeath all my movable Estate as Cattle, sheep, horses,
swine and household stuff &c, unto my loving wife Deborah, (my Debts and
Funerall charges being first paid.) She shall have the rest for her comfort
while she lives: and what she leaves at her death to be equally divided amongst my daughters to whom I have each of them given such parts or portions as I was able or thought fitt.
Lastly,- I do nominate and appoint my sd son Saml Sears and my Loving Wife
Deborah executors to this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto sett my hand and seal ye day and year in ye other side first above written.

Signed, sealed & declared in The mark and seal of
presence of Paul (=) Sears, Senr. (seal)
John Thacher
Zachariah Paddock
Samuel Howes

Barnstable, ss. April 14, 1883. A true copy of the record,
Attest, Freeman H. Lothrop, Register of Probate Court

A true invnetory of all and Singular ye Goods, Chattels, Housing, Lands and
Credits of Paul Sears, yeoman, deceased, prised at Yarmouth, ye 19th day of
March 1708: By Peter Thacher & Kenelm Winslow, as followeth:
L s d
Impr. - his money L1 17 6 his apparel of all sorts 10 9 0 11 18 6
It.- Two feather beds, two other beds, bedstead, curtains and
valence with bolsters, pillows, and all ye coverlids and sheets 21 13 6
It.- Table and chairs 1 4 0 andirons, trammels iron potts &
pot hooks ................................................. 03 08 06
Tongs, & fire flue, iron kettles, skillets, frying pans ........ 03 02 06
It.- Brass kettle,warming pan,hitchell,stillyards,chest & boxes 02 06 00
It.- Spinning wheels 10s pewter platter, paltes cups & potts ... 01 17 00
It.- Koolers, pails, trays, trenches & spoons, table linen &
towels .............................................. 01 02 00
It.- his saddle, bridle, pilyon, & cloth, flax & linen yarn .... 02 00 00
It.- Cash, candlestick, lamp, draving knife axes, sickle & hoes 00 17 00
A sifting trough, wool, five washing tubs knife, scissors,
looking glass ................................................. 00 09 00
It.- Salt & feathers, and iron wedge, ye iron belonging to ye
cart, and plows and spade a staple and cap ring, & caps & ring 02 19 00
It.- 4 bushels Rye, 24 of Indian, 3 of Wheat and 1/2 his books 05 00 00
Tobacco, 10s pitchforks, powder horn, bullets, and sword ..... 00 17 00
Grindstone, and tin ware, 2 oxen, 5 cows, 2 steers ........... 23 05 00
It.- 2 yearlings, a bull and one horse, 3 swine, 25 sheep .... 11 05 00
It.- his housing, lands, and meadows at 350 .................. 350 00 00
more about 3 acres of English corn upon ye ground not prised.______________
The total ................... 445 07 09
now due to ye Estate about ................................. 21 15 06

April 8th, 1708
Samuel Sears Executor to the last Will and Testament of Paul Sears of Yarmouth his deceased father, before Barnabas Lothrop, Esq., Judge of Probate and granting letters of Administration, within this County of Barnstable, made oath that the above written is a true Inventory of ye Estate of ye sd Paul Sears so far as he knows, and that if any thing else that is material shall yt farther come to his knowledge he will bring it to this Inventory.
Attest Wm. Bassett, Reg. Peter Thacher
Kenelm Winslow, Jun.
Barnstable, ss. April 14, 1883. A true copy of the record.
Attest, Freeman H. Lothrop, Register of Probate Court

MD 25, p.49 Maj William Bradford's Confirmation of his mother's deed to
Richard Sears with an autograph of John Alden. Widow Alice Bradford sold land
on 23 November 1664 to Richard Sears of Yarmouth -To all people to whom these
prnts shall come Major William Bradford of Plimoth in the Govrment of New
Plimoth in New England Esqr... in consideration of ye sume of Twenty pounds to her in hand payd, by Richard Seers, his heires & Assigns for ever, two
Allotments, of Land conteyning forty acres be they more, or be they lesse,
lying and being at a place, comonly called Sesuit between a brooke comonly
called & knowne, by the name of Bound Brooke,[boundary bewteen Dennis &
Brewster ed.] and a brooke called Saquetuckett brooke, as also a crtyn tract of meadow to ye foresd Lotts appteyning, and are abutalled as p a deed of Feofement

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450
OCCU Captain

Dennis, Cape Cod, p 59, 108 In 1680 the Town Meeting appointed the following men to watch for drift whales and claim them for the town: Paul Sears, Samuel Worden, Silas Sears and John Burges from Sawtucket to Nobscusset Point.

129. Deborah Willard

Gale S Burwell, Ridge, MD christening pl.

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450
BAPM PLAC Scituate, Ma.

132. John Crowell Jr

WGC Changed the family name from Crowe to Crowell in about 1680.

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450

133. Bethia Sears

!Wm G Cooper

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450

135. Hannah Howes [57]

married William Matthews 15 Dec 1698.

Submitter: James Nohl Churchyard
1783 Hawaii Circle
Costa Mesa, CA 92626-2015
(If no longer there, try Fallbrook, CA 92028)
714 540-5022
This GEDCOM file contains basic vital statistics info on the lineal ancestors
and close collaterals (siblings, half-siblings, and step-siblings of lineal
ancestors) of James Nohl Churchyard and his first wife Martha Orr. For more
complete information, and documentation and sources, see the complete work "Our
Family Museum: A Collection of Family History Notes" by James Nohl Churchyard,
which is available by anonymous FTP from the following URL:
The conversion from ASCII text to GEDCOM was done by Henry Churchyard.

140. Hosea Joyce

of Yarmouth [133]

146. William Eldredge

Also d. Apr 1749

148. John Crowell

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450

149. Hannah Hathaway

death nov 1703 [18]

BIRTH-PARENTS: PAF GEDCOM; 1996; Benjamin F Rollins, Jr, email: "Mooncusser: ; ; ;RINs:33943-34450

163. Sarah O'Kellea

eldest daughter [105]