Ancestors of Maj Gen Leslie Ray Sears Jr


32. Capt Edmund Sears

SPM p. 88, No 44 Edmund Sears and his wife were admitted to the church in E. Yar., May 12, 1745.
He was a sea captain during many years.
It is related of him that at the time of the "Boston Tea Party," he was unloading his vessel in the vicinity.
He went on board the vessels and participated in throwing the tea overboard.
Upon his return to the Cape soon after, though he had been long absent from home, on entering the house he went straight to the "bowfat," and without saying a word to any one, seized the teapot and caddy, and threw them into the garden with a crash.
His astonished wife whispered to the children, "your poor father has come home crazy."
He then proclaimed that from theat time henceforth none of his family were to drink tea, or wear upon their persons any articles of British manufacture.
His four sons were in the Revolutionary Army, but nevertheless, when a landing was threatened on the Cape, he mounted his horse and galloped to the spot to offer his services. He set up the first chaise, and owned the first ingrain carpet in the town.
His will, dated June 20, 1796, was witnessed by John Chapman, Peter Sears and Joseph Sears; a codicil bears no date. He mentions wife Hannah; daus. Mary Sears, Elizh. Homer, Jane Hallet, Temperance Clark and Hannah Sears; and sons Christopher, Elkanah, Edmund and Joshua.

BURIAL: Ancient Sears Cemetery
CONFLICT: d. 6 Aug 1712

Mayflower Index: No. 29,930 Edmund; spouse Hannah Crowell; mother MD

Dennis, Cape Cod, pp 210,216, Boston Tea Party

DVR, p 58 CONFLICT d. 12 Oct 1796; p 123 CONFLICT: d. Oct 12 1795# Died 1796 - Edmund Sears and his wife Hannah a record of their children

TOMBSTONE[cherub icon]: In memory of Mr Edmund Sears he died Augft ye 12th 1796 in his 85th year. Remember me as you pafs by For as you are so once was i And as i am now so you muft be Therefore Prepare to follow me

33. Hannah Crowell

Was 9 Sep 1725 but Bk3, p.99 of Yar VR shows Hannah Crowel the daughter of Cristefor & Sarah Crowel she was born on the 19th day of Sep 1725.

BURIED: Ancient Sears Cemetery

DVR p 123. Died June 1802

34. William Bray

9 Mar 1754 marriage intentions filed [189]
died in 76th year [189]

BURIED: Yarmouth Ancient Cemetery

35. Sarah Joyce

see TAG Jan 1967 [349]
b. 1731 [349]
d at age 36 [189]

39. Mary

a/k/a Molly d. in 70th year [189]

42. Isaac Eldredge Jr.

intentions filed 25 Feb 1780, Harwich, Barnstable, MA [202]

45. Hephsabah (Happy) Bassett


MD Vol 11, p. 41 from Chatham VR p.85

47. Elizabeth Ryder

Also have b. 1757; d.1830

50. Moses Harriman

some Harrimans from Maine [48]
1813 q.c. deed from Growth Palmer [47]
1830 Conway 161
1830 Eaton 175
1837 Ossipee
1837 Conway
not in Strafford Co. bef 1830
check Henryman, Hurryman and Herriman

51. Abigail Parker

b. abt 1780-4 [190]

52. Ebenezer Downs